Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ITS - Day #2

Jane here
Day 2 started with Master Geoff taking us through Brown, Red and Red Provisional techniques. There was a session on double strikes which was great. Sean was very excited and grabbed me quickly to do a few double strikes to my face, neck, pectorals etc. No respect from kids these days! Good thing was the love was returned back to him when it was my turn. Ha!
We have an honorary member of our Hapkido community - BOB - he's a quiet man, sits in the corner smiling, has a great set of shoulders on him and is a snappy dresser (my kind of man but don't tell Colin!).
Shopping was the order of the afternoon. Master Geoff was very kind releasing us to the outlets. Our credit card got its hardest workout ever. In perspective of the shopping, if that effort had been applied on the mats in the afternoon I'd still be recovering.
A few of team Australia and Team Finland stayed behind to do some BJJ with Sir Mike and they said that was really good.
Before we were released to the shops Master Geoff gave us a rundown of Day 3 with Grand Master and that sounded really exciting. The Price Clan was up before the alarm today in anticipation of the day ahead .. should be fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Hapkido kids do not show any respect for their parents! =)

    After you feed and clothe them -they turn around and do their Hapkido moves on you.

    And thanks for your blogs..

