Saturday, April 18, 2009

ITS 09 Day 5 - Friday 17th April

The Price Clan here:
Bring it on. I say that because it gets me out of bed in the morning. Day 5 is tinged with a bit of sadness because it's the last day of the week, apart from our weekend seminars.
If you thought I was sore and tired yesterday after reading the blog, here is just some of the things Sir shared with us yesterday:
multiple grabs, working on our belt level techniques, black belt striking, spinning turning back kicks, jumping turning kicks, counter attacks from grabs pushes and locks.
It's great the way one day you feel broken beyond repair and the next you're out there doing (well, trying at least) the techniques I've listed above.
The jumping turning kicks were awesome. Sir Adrian showed Sean how to do these off the wall in the Dojang. Pretty impressive. Sir Jimmy got some oohs and aahs for his impressive flying kicks. You wouldn't ever want to find yourself on the end of one unless you were holding a shield. Lights out.
While I am here can I say that the blacks belts on the mats have been a source of inspiration and knowledge all week. They are like the gift that keeps giving.
The Black Belt Challenge was held this evening so while the Black Belts were all being challenged the rest of the ITS team headed back to the hotel. All bar one of Team Finland are Black Belts. So, this gave us the chance to invite Antii - Brown Belt - into the Price Clan hotel room (we have an open door policy reputation apparently). Antii came out to dinner with us and it was good getting to know him. Our Finland friends are such nice people and not nearly as reserved as they appear on first impression.
The Black Belts came back later and we all stayed up pretty late enjoying each others company and moving from room to room sharing stories from the week, the past, where to next and of course, lots of laughing.
Sir Aaron, 4 elephants in a mini .....
Day 5 brought the reality even closer that ITS 09 is drawing to a close. We have our farewell dinner tomorrow night. Presentations and reflection on the week plus more I am sure.
The kids seminar is on in the morning and adults start at 1pm. Sleep in will be nice. The alarm clocks in our room will still be on just not quite as early.
Did I tell you I've learnt a new language this week from Sarah, Nick and Sean - it's text speak - and I can't even get it right. OMG, LOL, FOFL it's Day 5 of the ITS 09 Seminar in Lancaster Pennsylvania. As I'm typing this I've just been told that it's ROFL....oh well!

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