Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grandmaster Geoff J. Booth, 8th Degree Black-Belt

Behind the scenes:
Dojunim had previously tried to promote Master Booth to 8th degree on his last visit to Australia in 2003. However, a humble Master Booth felt his time had not yet come to accept the illustrious title of "Grandmaster"and he respectfully declined the offer. Thirteen years passed during which Master Booth continued the practice, teaching and promotion of Hapkido.
The Promotion:
At approximately 10am Wednesday morning during a seminar at the Lancaster Family Martial-Arts Centre, Dojunim publicly announced that Master Booth would henceforth be known as Grandmaster. He stated in broken English "...4th degree is Instructor, 5th degree is Head Instructor, 6th degree is Master and 8th degree is Grandmaster. Geoff Booth is now Grandmaster - now he is 8th degree."
The Reaction:
GM Booth stood in dignified silence during the announcement, slowly taking in the weight of each word. Visibly moved, he accepted his promotion with a respectful "Thank you Sir". Though the students were surprised at the unexpected announcement, they were all delighted as no one doubted that GM Booth's promotion was long overdue. The applause from all present was sincere and sustained.
The Official Ceremony:
The official presentation was the culmination of certificate presentations to black belts by Dojunim. GM Booth walked up and stood on Dojunim's right. Dojunim initiated the promotion with a hand shake then presented his certificate over to GM Booth. They both held a long and low bow honouring each other's presence. Then the barrage of photos followed.

Congratulations to Sir Geoff J. Booth, a true ambassador, pioneer and Grandmaster of Hapkido.


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