Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 3 - meeting Dojunim

Hi all (Moi) , Mira here. First things first...My bag arrived - yay for that. As my previous post was almost a novel, I will try to make this post short & sweet. Today was the Grand Master Ji seminar, what can I say, it was impressive! I think the full meaning of the opportunity to be in a seminar with the founder of Hapkido will dawn on me later on.

Dojunim showed us the basic forms of his style, we did a lot of locking, falling (well, those with bad backs like me did balance breaks), sin moo Hapkido kicks and then counter attack techniques. I walked away with many eye openers, but also it was interesting to see how our style of Hapkido differs from Dojunims style.

Well, a million photographs later the seminar was wrapped up. Some black belts got certificates, it was impressive to see GM Ji make them. It took a while, and looked like a process he takes great pride in, and each certificate gets the same preparation time.

We are half way in the week and I can say that my body is feeling the training...but who's complaining! It's wonderful to be on the mats. Training with the Americans, Aussies and the Finns. I have been taking pictures, and will try to post some before the week is done.

Train hard and keep up the sweat on the mats!

(Random ITS fact: There are no walkways in Lancaster. If you are a pedestrian and want to walk somewhere...prepare to dodge cars and trucks on your way).

Oh yeah, and I clearly failed on the keeping the post short and sweet :)

1 comment:

  1. Good to know your bag has arrived.

    Been following the ITS BLOG everyday, seems like everyone is having a good time shopping and a better time in training.

    Hope you back is holding up.

